
Mihael Leskovar

Styrian Technology Park
DescriptionStyrian Technology Park is a non-profit organization, based in Podravje region, Slovenia. Besides the headquarters offices in Pesnica pri Mariboru, STP manages its activities also within two additional branches in the city of Maribor. The main scope of STPs activities is focused on provision of comprehensive support for SMEs in Podravje region, in different stages of their lifecycle – from the “setting up the business” stage, to the stages of growth, development, internationalization, restructuring activities, etc.. STP acts as the Regional Center for Technology Development.

Styrian Technology Park operates as a business incubator for development of dynamic, innovative business ideas of micro and small enterprises, with substantial input of knowledge in their products and/or services. With its role as an incubator, STP is represent an important component of the national support environment for innovative SMEs in the North East of Slovenia, supported by the national Ministry of Economic Development and Technology.
Organization Type Company
Organization Size1-10
Founding Year1994
Phone+386 2 6540 229
CityMaribor, Pesnica pri Mariboru 20a Google map
Areas of Activities