
Marcel Medved

Vodja programa
FORTIS Agro d.o.o.

Bilateral Meetings

  • (12.00p.m. - 4.00p.m.)
DescriptionV podjetju Fortis Agro prodajamo različno kmetijsko mehanizacijo, kot so uteži, žlice, žlice s prijemalom, vile, konice s prijemali, odjemalce silaže, paletne vilice, konice za bale, ravnalnike zemlje in platoje. Izdelki so plod razvoja podjetja Fortis Maribor, atraktivne zunanjosti, poleg tega pa kompaktni in hkrati tudi zelo robustni. Ponujamo tudi originalne in originalom enakovredne rezervne dele za kmetijsko mehanizacijo. Nenehno se trudimo, da vam lahko ponudimo izdelke z najboljšim razmerjem med kvaliteto in ceno. Zavedamo se, da lahko samo na ta način izpolnimo vaše želje in zahteve.

In the company Fortis Agro, we produce a variety of farming mechanization, for example; buckets, multibuckets, forks, spikes, scisors, loads...All our products are a fruit of self-progress, attractive design, while also being compact and robust. Our production and quality control in all phases of manufacture is supported with certificates and guarantees a product that will function for many years, while also enabling you easy maintenance at a low cost.

In the year 2016 we started cooperating with a respected German supplier of original spare parts for the farming mechanization as well as those that share equal quality to the originals, thus, we are able to fulfill your demands. >>> e-shop

We are constantly trying to provide you products that have the best quality to price ratio. We know that this is the only way to satisfy your needs.
Organization Type Company
Organization Size1-10
Founding Year2015
CityMaribor, Zagrebška cesta 100 Google map
Areas of Activities



    We are looking for resellers of our products and spare parts

    In the company Fortis Agro, we produce a variety of farming mechanization, for example; weights, buckets, forks, silocuts, transporters etc. All our products are a fruit of self-progress, attractive design, while also being compact and robust. Our production and quality control in all phases of manufacture is supported with certificates and guarantees a product that will function for many years, while also enabling you easy maintenance at a low cost.
    In the year 2016 we started cooperating with a respected German supplier of original spare parts for the farming mechanization as well as those that share equal quality to the originals, thus, we are able to fulfill your demands.

    Keywords: FortisAgrospare partsfarming mechanization
    Cooperation Offered
    1. Sales / Distribution