Benjamin Žgank

SIP Strojna industrija d.d.

Bilateral Meetings

  • (12.00p.m. - 4.00p.m.)
DescriptionSIP kot največji slovenski proizvajalec kmetijske mehanizacije je v svoji panogi zaželen zaradi enostavne uporabe in edinstvene robustne konstrukcije, ki zagotavlja vzdržljivost. Danes več kot 80 odstotkov proizvodnje izvozimo v 55 držav v Evropi in zunaj nje. Glavni program sestavljajo: kosilnice,     obračalniki,     zgrabljalniki.

SIP Šempeter is a company positioned in the heart of Slovenia. We have been present
in the field of development and production of agricultural machinery for 60

Our vision is to become the leading European manufacturer of robust hay harvesting machinery
envisioned for professional performers, who are the most demanding users.

SIP as the largest Slovenian manufacturer of agricultural machinery is in the industry recognised
for its simplicity of use and unique robust construction that ensures durability.
Today, more than 80 percent of production is exported to 55 countries in Europe
and beyond. 

The main program consists of: mowers, tedders and rakes.

Organization Type Producer, Company
Areas of Activities